Nobody likes to think about it.

It doesn’t matter how old or how young you are. Nor does it matter how much wealth you have. Estate planning is one of the most important things you can do for those you love and for your legacy.

Making sure your ducks are in a row now will help protect your loved ones later.

It’s not just about making sure your legacy lives on in the way you intend. Or that your business succession, trust and/or foundation considerations are prioritized.

A comprehensive estate plan also dictates who you want to make decisions on your behalf should you become incapacitated. And the more direction you can provide now, the less agonizing those decisions will be.

Business succession planning

As a business owner, you know “blood, sweat and tears” isn’t an exaggeration of what it takes to build a successful company. In fact, it may be an understatement. To control what happens to your hard-fought company after you step down (or are carried out), you need a succession plan.

Estate planning counseling

There’s no getting around it, estate planning is complicated. But it is so important for your loved ones and for your legacy, not to mention critical for you should you become incapacitated. Fortunately, you don’t have to figure it all out by yourself.

Foundation management

Efficient, worry-free foundation management requires in-depth knowledge of the legal aspects of private foundations plus experience in taxation, accounting and more. Getting help running your foundation smoothly means you can spend more time on your philanthropic goals.

Trust monitoring,
coordination & management

A trust is a fiduciary relationship that allows a third party to hold and direct your assets on behalf of a beneficiary. Whew, that’s a mouthful. You can see why it takes a lot to monitor, coordinate and manage. Fortunately Goldlark has people who can do just that.

Let's sit down and find your tomorrow together.

Let's sit down and find your tomorrow together.

About Us

Our Mission to our clients is to provide a holistic approach to financial planning and a high level of service so they can prioritize and pursue their life-long financial goals. We foster professional relationships based on uncompromising integrity, trust and personalized service.